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Take heart and get active

We would like to reach even more people and expand and extend our projects


How can you support us?

It doesn’t have to be a huge donation or an annual membership fee.
Even small amounts can go a long way!

Help doesn’t always have to be monetary either:
Tell your friends and acquaintances about our projects or share our content on social media.

Become with your contribution

For you, it may only be a few euros, but it can make a big difference in our projects. With a sponsoring membership or a donation of only 15 EUR, for example, two malaria patients can already be treated.

Send us a donation

If you would like to support our work, you are very welcome to transfer an amount to the account below or simply donate via PayPal. We are very happy about any help!

Did you know that you can deduct your donation from your taxes as a special expense? So you do good and save taxes at the same time.

Become a supporting member

Unlike a donation, a regular contribution helps us plan for the long term and more securely. This allows us to make the best possible use of financial resources. The annual basic contribution is 15 EUR. This can be increased upwards with pleasure.

Visit our events

We regularly plan (music) events, the proceeds of which go directly to our projects. Let's shake a leg for a good cause! ‍

Tell about us

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram and be the first to hear about project news, upcoming events and more.

Like and share our posts and help us increase our reach!

Check out our store

Get our Global Heartbeat items and show everyone that your heart is in the right place. Of course, the proceeds go directly to our projects.